Thursday, December 1, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Chicken Wing Anatomy Lab
In our Lab Today we discussed and watched the dissection of a chicken wing. The purpose was to observe the dissection to learn and identify the different types of tissue and organs. We also had to pay attention of what color each item was, like the skin, muscle, ligament, and cartilage. We didn't find a nerve while we watched. In the lab the tissue that actually moved the chicken wing was the muscle. The role of the epithelial is to keep the muscle, cartilage, and ligaments protected. Also, the chicken wings are similar to human arms because in both the muscles allows the arm or wing to move. There different because in human bones the longer and there is more cartilage, in chicken wings the bones are shorter and there is less cartilage.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Diffusion Lab Essay
Diffusion Essay
In Class we have been talking about diffusion and osmosis, and later we did a lab. The purpose of the lab was to see if we understood diffusion and osmosis. The definition of diffusion is the process by which molecules from an area of lower concentration. Therefore the definition of osmosis is diffusion of water molecules (H2O) though a selectivity semi permeable membrane. In the lab we had to put starch into a bag which represents organelles, and the bag represents the semi permeable cell membrane. Then we filled a beaker half way with water, and the added two or three drops of Iodine. The iodine represents an indicator and nutrients for the cell. The Iodine is hypertonic so it dilutes into the bag of starch. Soon the water becomes hypotonic, and the concentration is now isotonic. Our prediction was that the iodine would turn the starch purple.
My analysis of the lab is that for most of the experiments you have to wait a little longer for the starch to dilute the baggie. But after a while the starch inside the baggie turns a purple color. Sometimes for this project to work you have to have the right materials and the right brand of baggies. The problem with ours is that we didn’t have the right kind or brand of plastic baggies. In the procedure you are required to add starch to a baggie, add water and iodine into a beaker, and place closed baggie into beaker and watch how diffusion and osmosis works.
Also, some examples of diffusions and osmosis in life are in some restaurants sliced potatoes are soaked in water before they are fried. Also, Diffusion of gas particles enables smell, so flowers/fruit can attract animals/insects by scent leading to fertilization or dispersion of seed particles. Also, Osmosis is used in plants, and growing crops. Finally, diffusion is responsible for the movement of oxygen from carrying red blood cells to different cells. Osmosis carries nutrients from the circulatory system into the cells and water also is responsible for carrying dissolved wastes away from the cells.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Diffusion Lab Response
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Triassic Crocodile Cousin Walked
picture from Google
First described over a century ago, Poposaurus is a “rauisuchian,” part of an extinct lineage of reptiles whose diverse array of members included the precursors of crocodiles and their closest relatives. Rauisuchians differed from crocodiles as we know them today in holding their limbs upright beneath their bodies rather than out to the side. This arrangement made them more efficient at walking and running on land, and, until recently, all rauisuchians were thought to have walked on all fours. The newly described Poposaurus was found in the Triassic Chinle Formation of southern Utah’s Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. The fossil included most of the postcranial skeleton from midway down the neck to the tip of the tail, stretching about 4.5 meters in all. According to the new research, the anatomy of the creature’s pelvis and hind limbs shows that Poposaurus walked upright, planting its feet close to the midline of its body. In fact, the hip anatomy would have made it impossible for Poposaurus to sprawl its limbs out to the side, like living crocodiles, although the exact way the rauisuchian’s feet touched the ground is unclear. Poposaurus may have stood on tiptoe, walked with the whole foot touching the ground, or it might have alternated between both foot postures depending on how fast it was moving.
Article from
Article from
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Lab Report: Soaring Staws
Soaring Straws
In this lab, we had to figure out how the gravitational potential energy of a straw rocket depending on the elastic potential energy of the rubber band launcher. The relationship of the G.P.E (gravitational potential energy) and the E.P.E. (elastic potential energy) is the more the straw stretches, the E.P.E increases which means the straw will go higher than usual. Also, the amount of stretch is the manipulated variable and the responding variable is the height of the trials, which means the amount of stretch is related to the E.P.E. (elastic potential energy). When the rocket takes off it has K.E. (kinetic energy), and the G.P.E and the E.P.E. are now converted to kinetic energy.
The possible errors that might have occurred are the data could have been typed in the calculator incorrectly. Also, the amount of stretch could have been miscalculated. Another possibility is that the data for the plot could be incorrect.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Lit Poems
Diamante Poem
Wool Pooh
Evil, scary
Frightening, terrifying, horrifying
Destructive, horrendous, calm delightful
Encouraging, soothing, comforting
Kind, friendly
Winnie the Pooh
Character Poem
Kenny's Adventure
Intelligent, achiever, frightened
Who loves his family
Who feels terrifified about Joey's fate
Who needs love from his brother
Who shares the Brown Bomber
Who'd like to see Grandma Sands again
Who dreams of the Wool Pooh
Who ends up saving Joey's life
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Toothpick Fish
In this lab, in completed recently I experimented with genes, alleles, phenotype, genotype, and the environment with toothpick fish. There are four different fish with different alleles. There are green, red, yellow, and orange. Green is dominant, red and yellow are recessive and orange is incomplete dominance (red and yellow make orange). In this lab, I had to make four different generations, to do that I had to pick randomly from a cup and add up the offspring. If two yellows were paired they would be eaten immediately, and go into the morgue. The generation next would have one less box because the yellow allele/fish is in the morgue.
The first generation has eight green fish, one red fish, zero yellow fish, and two orange fish. The second generation has seven green fish, one red fish, one yellow fish, and two orange fish. The third generation has six green fish, one red fish, zero yellow fish, and four orange fish. The fourth generation has seven green fish, one red fish, zero yellow fish, and two orange fish. Now, there is a natural disaster, all the rocks and sand are now exposed and are good camouflage for the red ,yellow, and orange fish but not the green, all the green are eaten. The only survivors are one red fish, and two orange fish.
The first generation has eight green fish, one red fish, zero yellow fish, and two orange fish. The second generation has seven green fish, one red fish, one yellow fish, and two orange fish. The third generation has six green fish, one red fish, zero yellow fish, and four orange fish. The fourth generation has seven green fish, one red fish, zero yellow fish, and two orange fish. Now, there is a natural disaster, all the rocks and sand are now exposed and are good camouflage for the red ,yellow, and orange fish but not the green, all the green are eaten. The only survivors are one red fish, and two orange fish.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
You'll Never Have to Clean Your House Again
Nanotechnology may be available to you in a short five years. Surface coating technology may soon mean dust gets destoryed simply by turning on a light switch. Nanotechnology is finding a way for surfaces to dissapate dust, mildew and bacteria.
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